Currently playing: 24k Magic – Bruno Mars
Hello world!
Welcome to another beautiful day. I hope you are doing
great, even if you are not, I hope the day gets better.
Today is the last Friday of the month, which means, it’s
time for a kelewele date.
How has the month been? I tried blogtober this year. To be
honest, I did not enjoy the writing process of blogging every day in October. I
think I prefer Blogmas to Blogtober. I even missed some days and it felt
disorganized. Maybe, it’s because I was too busy and there was chaos almost
every day and everywhere. I don’t think blogging every day is my thing. But I
remember last December, I was able to blog every single day in December into
the New Year and I really enjoyed doing it. Unfortunately, for blogtober, the
desire wasn’t there.
but I love every post I wrote, I put effort in each of them
I wouldn’t jump into conclusions and say I will not do it
again. Maybe, next year would be better.
In case you missed the Blogtober posts, I will list them
So, what have you been up to?