Tuesday, 3 October 2017

MDB Lifestyle Report: Bell Sleeve Outfits (Blogtober Day 2)

Hello world!

Welcome to another chapter of the MDB Lifestyle Report, where we discuss and talk about lifestyle trends. If you missed the last one, you can read it here.

We spoke of The NoMakeup Revolution, where no makeup is the new makeup. Today, we are entering into the fashion world.

Behold! The bell sleeve.

Bell sleeve outfits have sleeves that flare out wide.

If you are an avid follower of modern fashion trends, you would have seen so many beautiful styles of the bell sleeve outfits. This might be too late to write this but the embrace we are giving it makes it fun to talk about.

Some of the flares can start below the elbow or wrist. Some even start all the way from the shoulders!

Akosua Vee

The question is, what inspired such a style? Is it an old trend that has made a comeback, or it’s a new trend all together? Well, if you know the story and the inspiration behind the style, please tell me in the comments.
Fashion Blogger Naa Adjeley

Would you were wear a bell sleeve dress?
Image Map
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