Monday, 30 October 2017

10 Facts about the Blogger You Are Voting For

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Hello world!

Marietta DeGrant and her blog were nominated for Most Influential Student Blogger/Writer/Author, and I thought, it would be nice to tell you 10 facts about her or let’s says things you didn’t know about her. At least, you should know something about her and the blog.

1. Marietta DeGrant’s full name is Marietta Grant DeGrant and yes, she is Ghanaian, ermm, but no, not from Cape Coast. She wrote a post about it. Read it here.

2. She started forming stories and writing them at a very young age.

3. She started her blog on the Saturday of September 28th, 2013 in her school’s study room.

4. She started blogging as a means of exhibiting her poems and prose write ups.

5. She added the lifestyle niche to help her learn to write articles, as it is her dream to work for a lifestyle magazine company or to establish one.

6. She has a lifetime goal of writing and publishing books.

7. She was nominated for NUGS-UEW Best Writer Awards for Best Student Writer for 2015/2016 Academic Year and she won.

8. She had her debut play (written by her) staged in September 2016 with the title; An African Walks into a Voting Booth.

9. She was nominated for Best Blogger in the Ghana Blogging and Social Media Awards 2016 but lost it to Ameyaw Debrah.

This is her second time nominated for Most Influential Student Blogger for the Ghana Tertiary Awards.

Please, do not forget to vote for her as Most Influential Student Blogger by texting MBA MARIETTA to 1736. Many thanks in advance! 💋💋💋

Have a productive week!
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