Friday, 6 October 2017

Friday Five (Blogtober Day 5)

Happy Friday!

I am always grateful for Friday. Fridays are the best day of the week. Life has been a little bit overwhelming and I am missing some chocolate, but I am slowly, slowly, trying to live life to the fullest and to slow down a little bit.

Anyway, what’s up with you? Today, let me tell you five things!

1. Blogtober has been painful this week. I nearly gave up but I have decided to continue. Kuukie is encouraging me indirectly. Don’t tell her or else, her head will become big…haha.😁

2. I have stopped working for free. For your information, I have volunteered way too much and I need money for internet so bye, if you are thinking of employing me without getting some sort of motivation and benefits. (I am giggling while writing this) 😂😂😂😂😂

3. I have been nominated as UMB Most Influential Student Blogger. Text MBA MARIETTA to 1736 across all networks. Thankies in advance and muaahh. (Screenshot) 💋💋💋

4. I am hoping to write more poetry this month. I’m kinda behind in terms of writing poetry.

5. Finally…….shoutouts to Cephas! ✌✌✌

Let's Chat: Hello friends! What have you been up to???

p.s. No blogtober post tomorrow. Return on Monday for another Blogtober post. Sorry😡

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