Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Art of Wearing A Bow Tie + PO’s Bows (Blogtober Day 8)

Bow ties are considered as classic accessories to own as a man. Women also wear bow ties but it is not as common as seeing a man wearing one. They can never become outdated, and will live with us as long as time lives.

Bow ties show personality, and can be considered as a bold statement to wear.

Bow ties can be worn to

Weddings and other formal events
Religious services
The office. – Yes, the office.


Don’t mismatch your bow tie colour to your jacket and trousers. For instance, let your bow tie complement your suit colour.

Now introducing PO’s Bow Tie…

You know the holidays are coming right? Or your father’s birthday or your brother’s big day to another milestone in his life. Get yourself a PO’s Bow Tie.

May you want to get your boyfriend/husband/lover a gift on a special occasion, a bow tie, most particularly a PO’s Bow Tie is a perfect choice.

Buy a PO’s bow tie for your wedding/relationship anniversary or on his birthday. Bow Ties show how classy a gentleman is.

WhatsApp +233 23 769 7660 for price and delivery.

p.s. He is available for outfit advertisement. Link up.

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  Note: This is not a sponsored post
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