Monday, 24 December 2018

Goodbye Maiden Blog

Hello world!

It’s been a minute since you last heard from me, but before I begin, let me wish you a Merry Christmas Eve.

2018 has been a year that really knocked me out in the face. It didn’t make me lose weight dramatically but it really drain every happy state of emotion out of me. I am still not ready to talk about it, but when I do, I will let you know.

The title of this post might be confusing but, here is the tea….

I am launching my new blog tomorrow.

For those of you who have been following me on my social media platforms, you must have noticed some coming soon posters around.

I am going to miss this blog so much. It has taught me to be my own boss, and taught me certain things that made me get paid writing gigs. I am so much grateful for the opportunities it has given me and the lessons it has taught me.

It was a small blog, but it was mighty.

Thank you my maiden blog. You will forever be in my heart.

And thank you too, my lovely readers, whom I call friends.

Peace out!

p.s. Click here to visit the new site, which will be launched tomorrow at 00:00 GMT. Bookmark it and visit it frequently. We have a lot in stock for you.

I love you all!

Friday, 3 August 2018

The Year of the Melancholy: Life Likes to Tease

Hello world!

The first poem under The Year of the Melancholy would be uploaded soon. In the meantime, click to subscribe.

I will put the poem here also for those who would like to read.


Life Likes to Tease

Life wakes me up when I’m feeling sleepy
Tells me to shut the hell up when I’m weeping
Takes my money and throws it into the ocean
And dares me to find it
Or else I won’t eat tonight

Life turns some good friends into bad ones
As it introduces them to a girl called Betrayal
Life advises me to make GOOD friends
But LIFE is friends with
Its alter ego who is a thief
The thief calls himself Death
That’s when I understood
“Show me your friend, and I’ll show you your character”
Life is Death in disguise

Life throws a javelin into your immune system
Life names the javelin infirmity
Tells us to stay there
“Stay in your bed! Don’t get up!”

Life throws pepper into your eyes
Calls the effect tears
The river that flows and dries up

“Life, oh life! You are so unfair!”
“I know that,” says life. “I always take that as a compliment”

Thank you for reading and hope to see you in the next post....

Monday, 9 July 2018

From Now On

From now on, I will

Write everyday

Pray everyday

Learn something new

Do something different

Get out of my comfort zone

Dream everyday

Keep my real friends closer

Find happiness


Kill the introvert side of me and meet new people

Enjoy the mornings

Practice gratitude

Connect with nature

Read, read, read!

Create everyday

Monday, 2 July 2018

Films of Poetry: The Year of the Melancholy

What’s up everyone!!!

It is I, Marietta.

I know some of you miss me. It is definitely, not all of you.

Thank you for patiently waiting for me. I am back. (Terminator)

For those of you who do not know yet, a new section of the blog has been created and that is the Marietta DeGrant YouTube channel.(Subscribe!)

So, since I have launched a YouTube channel, there are more ideas floating in my head. Thus, the birth of Films of Poetry.

I present to you; Films of Poetry.

Films of Poetry is a segment/playlist on my YouTube channel where I do more visual poetry and spoken word and Season 1 is starting this month.

Season 1 has the theme; the year of the melancholy. It may sound depressing already, but if you think about it, it is not.

They are short visual videos that go with the poem and the poems were written by me.

The Year of the Melancholy has six poems.

Life Likes to Tease

Craving for Rain

The Many Faces of Melancholy


The Year of the Melancholy


They are not extraordinary, so do not expect something huge…lol

Be expecting them super soon, and don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to be notified anytime I upload a video.

See you in my next post.

Thanks y’all.

Let’s chat: which platform do you personally prefer? IGTV, or YouTube?

Monday, 19 March 2018

How to Shop Books Like A Pro: Buying Books You'll Not Regret

Don't always follow the best selling lists

Book lovers love to go on a book scout, looking for the books that have been recommended to them. When the new book hits the shelve, we can’t wait to lay our hands on them and consume the goods therein. We always want to have something on our table because our reading list never gets empty.

In a conversation with a book lover recently, he asked me; “How do you know which book to buy and where do you get them?” We will all have different answers to this question because we acquire books differently. So, I’m going to take my time to discuss the various ways one will know which books to buy and buy them without any regret and also where to find what to buy.


#1. Follow book recommendations from your favorite writers or bloggers.
Sometimes, it’s not easy to know which books to buy. There are a lot of them at the shelves and there are so few you could buy so you want to ensure you buy the books that would serve you well in the end. This is where recommendations become very important. To get the very best recommendations, subscribe to the mailing list of writers and book bloggers. These people read a lot of books and they recommend the very best of books they’ve read based on genre. Depending on how many mailing lists you are subscribed to, you are assured of getting a lot reviews that would inform you on the next book to purchase. You can follow my book list here 

#2. Don't always follow the bestseller list.
People are mostly tempted to buy the books tagged as bestsellers. I’m guilty of that and most times I’m left disappointed. The fact that a book is listed as bestseller doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy reading it. Remember, the book you will enjoy reading are books that solves a problem in your life or a book that answers a question for you. Such books are not necessarily bestsellers. So, when buying books, stay off the temptation of buying books just because it’s a bestseller. Shop around your best interest. That way, you wouldn’t have any reason to regret your purchase.

#3. Follow book boards on Pinterest
That’s what I use Pinterest for. All the boards I follow are boards that talk about books. What happens is, you get the opportunity to read book list from people from all corners of the world who have different tastes and interests when it comes to book. You see a photo that says “11 top books that will make you cry.” If you are in the mood of crying, you just tap on the photo and click “Read.” Pinterest will take you to the site where the book list is curated so you know which ones are worth the buy.

#4. Join a book club
Book club is also another avenue to get intimate with books that you love. In Ghana, there a lot of them and they all have their schedules and their book of interest. Some book clubs are formed around fiction and none-fiction. Others are formed around classical books and literature. Depending on your interest, find one of these book clubs and join. They usually pick a book for members to read and at some point, in the month, they meet to discuss the book. There’s one that I join. It’s called Kadi Book Club  and it’s centered around non-fiction and self-help. Most of the books I buy are recommendations from Kadi club so I hardly regret a purchase.

#5. Be friends with readers on social media
Book lovers usually share what they are reading on the timelines. The share quotes and snippets of their current reads on their timeline. Some even go the extra mile to review what they are reading. When you find yourself with these people on social media, apart from the fact that you are motivated to read and join the conversation, it also gives you the opportunity to know the kind of books to buy the next time you visit the shop. Find these people on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. But find me first…wink!

Where to shop the books

Our aim is to shop on a budget and when it comes to books, we look for places we would get the books we want and at cheaper prices. Below are some of the ways to get the books you want;

#1. Second-hand shop
The number one place to buy books at cheaper prices are the shops that sell second-hand books. These shops are scattered along the streets of Accra and many places in Ghana. And they sell all genre of books.

The only disadvantage here is that, you usually don't find the titles you want and if you find, it's through serendipity. It takes a lot of patience and search to finally get what you want since books from these shops are hardly categorize.

#2. Book Hawkers
I love the book hawkers. Though they carry a very little stock, if you are lucky to find the title you want, you can trust that you will have it at cheaper prices. When you see them, don’t be lazy, ask them to unpack so you can go through their titles one after the other. Chances are that, you might find what you are looking for. If not, you might find an interesting title to buy. Either way, you win.

#3. Bookstores
Bookstores usually hold a very large stock of books and as such, it’s easy to find what you are looking for. If you have a list of books that you want to purchase and you want a place you can find them, then a bookstore is the place. There, you can check out all the aisles and find the what you came to buy. Chances are, you can even stumble on a title you didn’t plan for but have interest to buy. The only cons with the bookstore is that, usually the prices aren’t cheap as compared to the two places above but you’ll get what you want anyway.

#4. E-books from online
 No matter what people say about e-books, they are not going to go away. It’s now an entrenched category that a lot of people love to read from. I love e-books for its handy nature and for the fact that I can carry thousands of them around at a time. I’m never short of books because of e-books. Also, when new books arrive and most bookstores haven’t stocked them, you can buy the e-book online. It’s cheap as compared to the paper counterpart and you can buy in the comfort of your sofa and read it instantly. Buy eBooks.

About Nesta

Nesta Jojoe Erskine is an author, blogger and social media manager who helps businesses and individual entrepreneurs manage their digital presence and also builds an audience for their brand leading to more engagement and online sales. He blogs on and you can follow his works on…

Facebook: @nestajojoeerskine

Twitter: @Nesta_J_Erskine

Friday, 9 March 2018

The 6th March Photo Walk 2018 Experience📷📱

Photo Credit: Ghana Photography

Hello world!

I hope the sun is treating you right! Happy Friday by the way.😉

Ghana photography in collaboration with Photogbeis organized a photo walk last Tuesday on the 6th of March. While others were marching, we were walking on the deserted streets of Osu. Yours truly, attended the photo walk and really walked.
It’s been long I visited Osu, so it was an opportunity for me to visit the nostalgic town.

I have a dream of entering into photography and even though, I do not own a professional camera yet, I still decided to attend. After all, I do not need to wait to buy one before I can start practising.

It was really nice walking on the streets of Osu that was supposed to be busy. I have never experienced Osu as a quiet and empty town. Our goal was to take random pictures of anything we see in the town.

Actually, almost 98% of the photographers I met were holding a camera. But we were encouraged to use our smartphones if we had one. My smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus) does not have the best camera, but I tried my best to give it a try. These are some of the things I took


The Artist Lonely Workspace

The Neglected Chick (Child)

Also, other photographers took pictures of me.
Photo Credit : Koss Gallery

And I made a few friends

And tried to do an advert

The problems we encountered were not new to us. Some people found it offensive to be taking pictures of certain things. They said we are required to ask permission before taking them. Some kids were beaten by their guardians because they allowed us to take pictures of them. I thought beating children of certain unnecessary things made them timid. Some required money before pictures were taken of them. Some feared the camera so did not allow us to take pictures of them but allowed us to take pictures of their products. Some thought we were tourists, gallivanting with our camera. Some people saw us to be really weird people.

A post shared by Marietta Grant DeGrant (@marienoelgrant) on
A post shared by Marietta Grant DeGrant (@marienoelgrant) on
A post shared by Marietta Grant DeGrant (@marienoelgrant) on
I would love to attend another photo walk with them again. Hopefully soon. 
Image Map

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

A Poem for You

I don’t know whether the official colour(s) for St. Valentine’s Day is red or red and white.

Good morning and happy red day!

I don’t know whether the official colour(s) for St. Valentine’s Day is red or red and white. Some of us did not wake up to red roses and a surprise chocolate and teddy bear or breakfast in bed and yada yada yada.

When I woke up this morning, I was hoping of seeing some love captions with associating pictures on Twitter and Instagram and maybe Facebook.


Oh, see what she bought me. I love her so much.

My boyfriend is the best. He surprised me with breakfast in bed.

Then we will react with the love reaction and go like awwws and ohhhs.

After 14th, end of story.

But I have a poem for you today. *insert crowd going wild*. Because that’s how we do every year on the blog right?

Some Things I Love about Him (page 1)
His eyes, like the moonlight made of red dust
His touch, like the kisses of delicate roses
His kisses, like the shores of a happy beach
His hugs, filled with heavenly kisses
His voice, required to open my heart’s gate
His laughter, welcoming me home

So, for your information, this poem was written last year. I decided to review it and make some changes, so the words on the photo might slightly differ from what was just typed on here.

Have a nice day everyone!

Image Map
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