Monday, 24 December 2018

Goodbye Maiden Blog

Hello world!

It’s been a minute since you last heard from me, but before I begin, let me wish you a Merry Christmas Eve.

2018 has been a year that really knocked me out in the face. It didn’t make me lose weight dramatically but it really drain every happy state of emotion out of me. I am still not ready to talk about it, but when I do, I will let you know.

The title of this post might be confusing but, here is the tea….

I am launching my new blog tomorrow.

For those of you who have been following me on my social media platforms, you must have noticed some coming soon posters around.

I am going to miss this blog so much. It has taught me to be my own boss, and taught me certain things that made me get paid writing gigs. I am so much grateful for the opportunities it has given me and the lessons it has taught me.

It was a small blog, but it was mighty.

Thank you my maiden blog. You will forever be in my heart.

And thank you too, my lovely readers, whom I call friends.

Peace out!

p.s. Click here to visit the new site, which will be launched tomorrow at 00:00 GMT. Bookmark it and visit it frequently. We have a lot in stock for you.

I love you all!

Code line 7 9 is for loading jQuery library. Remove this line if you’ve already loaded it somewhere else in your blog. Hint: If your blog has an image slider, carousel or something with fading effect running, chances are it is powered by jQuery. If this widget doesn’t work, the first thing you want to do is comment out or remove this line. To use your own button, replace the URL in line 3 with the direct link URL to the image. Make sure to keep the quotes. To reposition the button, replace