It’s been few days into the New Year and the Harmattan
suddenly disappeared. (Well, good riddance). Instead, the weather has become
somewhat hot, and high. I bet the sun has made New Year resolutions too.
I have been writing some bad poetry recently. I am more into
writing short poetry and shorter ones.
I have been searching for my kind of writer’s voice. I have
been trying new ways of writing. Last year was a good writing year to the
extent of having my debut play staged. I’m so blessed.
I am hoping to try spoken word. My voice is not the smooth,
soft type and my voice over gadgets sounds like something else. Maybe, I need
to sip more water before talking over gadgets.
My creative writing journal is almost full, and I am
planning to use an old notebook to continue writing. Now, I carry my journal
everywhere, so I use my backpack more often.
I need to go out more often and explore the living life and
write about them. I am hoping to share my works with you online and be more
creative and write more creative content and share more creative content. I
want my blogs to have more creative content, not just news and how to do
certain things. I want to write things
that we all relate to.
This semester would be a busy one. The year 2017 would be a
very busy one, from this month till December.
Here’s to the year of writing more and staying out and
becoming more creative in every aspect…even in fashion.
Let’s chat: What have you planned
with your writing life, or what do you want to read from me?

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