Friday, 27 January 2017

Kelewele Date with Marietta (27/01/2017): Is January 365 days Long?

Happy Friday everyone!

You know, I almost typed a complaint about how long January is because the fact that next week is still January really baffles me. I mean, how? But that’s not a way to start my blog posts because it would bring wearier, and I don’t want my blog to ever do that.


By the way, thank God for February.

You are welcome to the first kelewele date for this year. Maybe we should talk about how long this month is.

Ugh…what are the odds? Even next week after this kelewele date is still January.

The fact that everyone is complaining means that you have really overdue your stay, January. I think you should just go.

I used to dislike May for this very reason, especially when I was in Secondary School. School reopens in the first week in May. By the second and third week, you’re already broke, and you haven’t even reached June.

Your life is literally over. Seriously.

Maybe, January is so in love with the year 2017, he can’t let go.

This is me right now, even though I am not 25.

You know what? I want kelewele dates on this blog to involve readers of this blog. This is the opportunity to show your writing skills. Send an email to with your post.

Please no topics on politics and religion.

Food posts are so welcome.

Anyone and everyone can send the posts/articles.

I’m waiting.

Who would guest post on the next kelewele date? Just send the email.


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You want to comment? You are definitely my sunshine.
Love ya :) I would reply as soon as possible.

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