I know. We are in a tensed political year. But I am not
worried about anything. Actually, celebrating Christmas in an election year is
super boring. I mean, everything is all about PO-LI-TICS. It’s Christmas
people. Do not ever forget that at all.
I am always looking forward to Christmas. No matter where I
am or no matter the time of the year, I am looking forward to it.
Why do I look forward to it? Well, apart from it being my
birthday, and it being Christmas too, I have many other reasons.
It is the celebration of the birth of Christ, who came to
atone for my sins.
I get to wander aimlessly at the mall. (Don’t judge me)
It’s the only time I get messages from some friends. (Hmmm!
Some friends I have!)
It’s my birthday!
The smell of Christmas
I get to decorate, deck the halls.
The Christmas Music. The joy of listening to Christmas Songs
(traditional, modern, the classics)
alone can make you burst.
Food! Food! And FOOD!
The presents I receive
Giving gifts to the people I love
Being with family
Christmas trees
New outfits
In the month of December, that’s the time when ripe plantain
is in season.
The movies
The feeling of Christmas Eve when we sing Silent Night.
Glitter, glitter and more glitter
The nostalgic feeling of Christmas Pasts
The smell of freshly baked goodies
The use of Christmas Related Emojis (Silly ME)
The snowy things I get jealous of
What do you look forward to every Christmas???
p.s. Don't forget to get involved in this Christmas fun exercise. It is not too late to join. I invite the whole world to participate. Read more about it here

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