Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Activating Back To School Mode

*pressing some brain buttons*
Activating Back To School Mode
Loading.......Processing.......(which would take a while)

The Long Vac is over(I still can't accept that fact) and I'm about to set school (I wish I would set off for another reason. Maybe, visiting a place on my wanderlust pinterest board, but anyway, what can I do? It's time for me to go to school.

New school year is just like the New Year, but this one is for those going back to school. It's full of resolutions and shopping and a whole lot of self preparation in it. I personally have goals for the new academic year.

  • Have a better calendar system for time management. I'm very good at planning for the day, week, month but I'm very bad at time management. So, this year, I plan on working on my time management.
  • Work at the school's radio station. I had this dream after I completed secondary school and since I was a guest on Citi Fm, I had the desire to try it. Maybe, I can do my own show there.
  • Blog about Winneba life and school life.
  • Visit the beach often. The beach is a refreshing place to de-stress and get inspiration.
  • Reward myself after a good work done. I deserve a chocolate or ice cream after a hard day's work, right?
All right. That's it. What are your new school year resolutions? Share on twitter with the hashtag #back2schoolwithnoel

Happy New School Year
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