Tuesday, 12 August 2014

School's In (What's In My Sophomore Haul Shopping List)

I can’t believe I’m a sophomore now. I remember vividly when I got my admission letter to earn a degree in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a freshman and the stress I went through that made me lose weight (True story. That's the reason why I need to revamp my wardrobe). 

So,I'm in my sophomore year.

Hip hip.......hooray!!!!

So, I needed to shop, to start another chapter of my life and a fresh academic year. I think I need a theme, some sort of mantra, you think. Suggest one for me???

So, school's almost in. Am I happy? Let's just say, I'm super ready, ready to activate back to school mode.

I've started to write my sophomore haul shopping list. ( I started writing when I began my internship. What can I say? I LOVE making lists ), which consist of stationery, beauty and fashion.

So, I divided them into 3 (excluding dorm essentials, kitchen and toiletries. I've got those already.)


  1. Highlighters
  2. notebooks
  3. folders
  4. empty CDs
  5. official papers
  6. pens, pencils, erasers
  7. post-it notes
  8. gel pens
  9. correction fluid
  10. paper glue
  11. pencil case
  1.  face powder
  2. blush
  3. mascara
  4. nail polish
  5. lip gloss
  6. brow pencil
  7. hand lotion
  8. lip balm
  9. eye shadow
  10. Q- tips
  11. moisturizer
  12. lip stick
  1. jeans
  2. shirts for presentations
  3. bag (cross body and backpack)
  4. great tees
  5. belts
  6. hair bows
  7. great earrings
  8. great heels
  9. flats
  10. tank tops
  11. sunglasses
  12. khaki trousers
Am I missing something?
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