Tuesday, 29 July 2014

My Attachment (Internship) Period (And The Lessons I Learnt)

I remember when I came home for the long vacation, I never had the desire to do my attachment. Come on, I was hard up and I needed money to prepare for the next academic year. Besides, my laptop was ill, I had to look for accommodation, go to the hospital and revamp my wardrobe (It was really important for me). But I searched and did not find, so my last option was to do my attachment (unpaid internship). I sent my letter of introduction letter and landed somewhere.
I did not regret working here as an intern. I learnt a lot about marketing,customer care…………etc

I learnt a lot at my place. I learnt how to make appointments with clients and follow up calls which was a bit scary at first.

I also learnt it was VERY BAD to use office resources for your personal use during office hours. Once I was caught reading a novel (I love reading) on my office computer. I downloaded it and was reading. My boss caught me and warned not to do that again. It was very unofficial.

I learnt how to dress officially to work place. This has made me like to dress up like that to class.

I also learnt that, if you need to ask permission to be absent for a while, it should be asked a week earlier, so that work that was prepared for you to be done would be noted to be done sooner or later.

In my field, I learnt how develop questionnaires for evaluation of services like customer care.

I was absent for a day and was not able to phone in due to some circumstances. If you know you cannot make it to work, call in to inform someone at your work place.

Also, try to study someone before getting acquainted with them. You might not like the end results. Seriously.

One last thing, I learnt how to do perforation and binding of documents. Yeah.

How was your internship? What did you also learn?

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