Thursday, 15 May 2014


It is 9 days to my long vacation and I am eagerly waiting the day I’ll go home from school, knowing that I will not be expected to enter my lecture hall for at least two whole months.
And I have chosen a theme for this beautiful period of mine: OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW, because I’m letting go of some things in life and this would be the perfect break for that.
For this long vac, my goals for this period wouldn't be much.
·         Eat, Nourish, Exercise
Those who know me personally would see that I have lost weight and become pale. So I just want to stay on a healthy diet, go for check-up as soon as my health insurance is ready which my new best friend is working on it for me. And I need to exercise to maintain my health status or improve upon it.

·         Go on the job hunt
I am definitely giving it a try. As I said at the beginning of the year, I wanted to live as someone who is now taking care of herself, as an independent woman, so I’m on the job hunt for this vacation. If you know of any job vacancy that you think I’ll fit for the job, link me. *wink*

·         Complete my novel, WINGS
I am currently working on a novel entitled WINGS and I can’t wait for it to be published or made into a movie. I started it like two years ago and abandoned it, but have the vibe to continue writing.

·         Read novels
Remember in my post, getting ready for 2014, I told you about my 20-30 books for the long vacation challenge. I’m ready to start.

·         Pamper myself
Well, yeah I have a very long break. I shouldn't waste it at all. I need to chillax and enjoy life, make peace with those who have hurt you, make new friends, go for events, spend time with family and old friends and loved ones, try new hairstyles, hang out with music mixers, get a manicure and pedicure, exhibit myself in my literary world, write more, and shop, shop, shop. *wink*
·         Learn a new recipe and a new skill
During this time, I would like to acquire a new skill, maybe speaking in front of a crowd (eesh), or giving a presentation to a group of people and learn new recipes so that I can try them in school when I get back.

·         Study……bleh
Yeah, I know right. Running away from books and you are going home to study???? Hmmm, I’ll try. Wish me luck there.

·         Visit Winneba
Did I tell you I have a new family in Winneba? Yeah I would go and say hi and see how they are doing. I’ll visit my family and friends and those who love me.

·         Make videos
I have decided to make videos for my blog and YouTube channel, so watch out.

What are your plans for this long vacation/ summer? 
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