Saturday, 28 September 2013


Been awake all night
Seeing nothing but my silhouette
Crying heavy tears
See how my pillow gets wet.

Come take a look behind the curtains
Filled with sorrow
Stands a girl with a painted smile.
A smile that hides so many secrets
Take a look closer and tell me what you see
A heart that holds hurt inside,
And a skin that clings to scars of pain
Icy tears falling from sorrow filled eyes
But with the rain washing,
No one sees them
She daily watches her world twirl
With different shades of grey, black and red
Always feeling blue
                   Skies of grey, rain drops
                   Eyes flooded with tears
              Her heart beats a silent thunderstorm
You may think she’s a happy girl but she isn’t
She smiles all right, however she does that
To hide her sorrow filled sad life stories.
                                                              Friday, 5th July, 2013.
                                                                       LDS church

Song Written At Dawn is a poem about a girl who usually smiles a lot having the impression that everything is well with her. I know of someone (a young woman) who is very friendly and always smiling and always I ask myself; does this lady ever cry of something? Maybe she does! You might never know. Perhaps, she cries at night…….all night.
DATE: Friday, 5th July, 2013
TIME: 15:15
LOCATION: LDS church McCarthy Hill Ward
                      Sakaman Junction.

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