Saturday, 27 September 2014

New Blogging Year Resolutions And Goals

Tomorrow is Marietta DeGrant As MarieNoel's first anniversary and a new year for her, so she's got to make new blogging year resolutions and goals, right? RIGHT!

So, let's see her resolutions

More fashion and Beauty posts
Yeah, you've got her. She's guilty of not having fashion and beauty posts. But she promises to have posts on fashion, beauty, hair etc. Check out her pinterest board

Join more communities
I think there are more blogging communities she can join. Any recommendations?
More photos
Don't worry about that. More photos coming right up....soon.

Embedded videos
 Apart from embedding videos, she is working on a you tube channel. Let's wait and see.

Yeah, she's working on it. Like the blog's facebook page for announcements .

Add new segments such as The Thursday Tech Talk, #BonusAir etc.

And now, she's got some goals..........

  •  Gain more readers and followers
  • Interview fellow bloggers. readers and ordinary people.
  • Buy a domain
Happy new MDAM year y'all.
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