Sunday, 28 September 2014

Happy Birthday Marietta DeGrant As MarieNoel!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m so happy to be part of the blogosphere. 

You know why? 

Because it has changed my life.
Are you wondering how it did that? Well, here's my story.

Long ago, I had POOR fashion sense. Well, it wasn't that bad. I was good but NOT TOO good. My mother used to wonder why I was like that. She used to say "When I was your age, I was known as the Style Doctor in my town. I don't know where you got those genes from. Even Daddy is not like that."

Then I'll say in my head: Who cares what I wear? No one's watching.

But someone is.

I was that kind of "I care less" dresser. Some days good, others, not so good.

When I joined the blogosphere, I met bloggers who write fashion and beauty posts. There I began to learn from them. I don't know how I met them but I'm grateful. I also met you-tubers, fashion websites, fell in love with Pinterest and learnt from them.

Now, I'm okay. Maybe good, or better, but not the best yet. Ha ha

Happy birthday to Marietta DeGrant As MarieNoel. I started this blog exactly a year ago. My first time of blogging was when I was 16 (I can't remember the name of the blog) but it was not active due to the fact that I was in a boarding high school and laptops were not allowed (with some other rules, yada yada)

I created this one when I entered the university to share my literary works online. Then, I started to write lifestyle too. (but get ready for more new stuffs like fashion, beauty, technology.......).

The reason behind the name of the blog???

My name is Marietta DeGrant and my pen name is MarieNoel (My mother wanted to give me this name because I was born on Christmas day). So, it's like I'm starring in a "blog show" or "blog series"; starring Marietta DeGrant As MarieNoel.
I once considered changing the name of the blog but umm,............., well, what do you think?

I'm virtually sharing this cake with you.
Bon anniversaire

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