Tuesday, 3 May 2016


I remember when I was a little girl, books were my friends, apart from the toys I played with. My parents made me grow to love reading. My daddy taught me how to memorize some of the books, like Mad About Madeline and some of the I Can Read Books.

In school, my favourite part of the timetable was library time, where I go to read either American Girl Tales or The Baby Sitters Club. Something funny tickles the back of my neck anytime, I see those books on the shelves. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to borrow them.

My favourite time of the academic year was Open Day, not because my daddy or mummy comes to check all the good work I did in classwork. It was because, that day books are being sold. Books of all kind; novels, book of knowledge, story books and all that you can think of.

At the beginning of this year, I was standing in front of the bookshelf at my parents’ home in Accra and I saw some of the books I loved to read when I was a little girl. I had nostalgia all of a sudden.

A Treasury of Children’s Literature was one of my favourites. It had a collection of stories, rhymes, American tales, fairy tales, poetry and some classics. I loved their illustrations, they look so classy and professional.

Mad About Madeline was one of the first books Daddy taught me to memorize. Up till now, I can memorize at least 10 pages of the first story Madeline. I read it over and over again, and that made me to start writing stories about school life and boarding house life.

I am grateful for the fact that, I learnt to love reading. It’s therapeutic and it’s a great feeling to get lost in a book.

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