
Friday, 29 April 2016

Kelewele Date with Marietta (29/04/16) Beach Break

Hello! Hello!! Hello!!!

*sighs* Last month, we did not have a kelewele date. Well, it is back, and I feel happy and inspired not to go on blogging break again. Unless, there is a critical reason not to.

Welcome to the 3rd #keleweledate of the year. But there is a little bit of bad news.

Plantain is not in season *gasps*. Which has made plantain to be super expensive. That explains the reason why I haven’t had kelewele in April.


But that doesn’t prevent us from having our date. Let the date begin………… (Drumroll, please).

Since I came back from the blogging break, I gave some life updates, so go here to read it.

Nowadays, I don’t want to see the beach again. I have been visiting the place so many times, I think I have had enough. Maybe, I need a beach break.

We are in the month of April and it means, a few days to the Aboakyer Festival which will start the first week in May. How of you Ghanaians are coming to witness?

Exams is just around the corner and we are eager to finish hard because of the unwanted stress we have acquired. We are going on long vac and get ready for our internships in the next academic year. I still haven’t actually decided where to have my internship. I hope to get a place before June.

The weather nowadays is hoooot! Hot, I tell ya! We are supposed to be entering into the rainy season by now, but it is directly the opposite. It is raining heat. As if the wind has come to a standstill. You might decide to sit outside, and yet, outside is hotter than the room. Sometimes, in the evening, the weather is a bit cool, but you just can’t sit outside, just because of mosquitos.


My fitness routine is still not I expect. I don’t know whether it is the academic pressure or something else, that is preventing me from working out. Speaking of academics, I wrote a Bollywood movie review, not too long ago. You can check out the review here.

Now, let's talk about avocado pears. Last year, a storm destroyed our beloved avocado tree, and I was super sad about it. This year, it is growing back beautifully but hasn't started bearing fruits yet. Ms. Cara has made me cry the more with her recipe. Meaning, I have to buy to make the recipe while I could have gotten the fruit for free!!!

Anyway, it doesn't matter. I have to try this. Looks DELICIOUS.

That's it for today's #keleweledate.

If you were to have a real kelewele date with me, what would you tell me?

Grab yourself some fan because the weather is indeed, hooooot.

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