
Thursday, 15 June 2017

25 Things to Do During the Long Vacation

We are always in a hurry for school to be out. But, as soon as we reach home and eat Mummy’s best home meal, we start to say things like

We are bored.

The house is boring.

I have nothing interesting to do.

Do not weary about these things. Long vacation holidays are the best time to reflect on the school year and build yourself to a better semester ahead. It is also a time to catch up with life, slow down and have fun.

Here are 25 ways of spending the long vac.

1. Spend the day at the mall and go into every store. Even if you don’t have interest in Lego toys, just enter.

2. Create an art journal. You do not need to be an artist before you can keep one. You can even turn your art journal into a junk journal.

3. Go to a movie premiere or go to the cinema to watch a movie. Never say “I’ll get it from a friend.” Life is too short for that.

4. Go for a hangout. After a busy day, call some friends and just hangout and talk.

5. Start a blog. It’s a way of talking about your interests.

6. Meet up with people of your same interest and talk about those things you love.

7. Sign up for a class. Whether it is academics, or just a hobby you want to build up on.

8. Do an internship. You want to build upon your CV and earn some skills, don’t you?

9. Give one of your friend’s a complete makeover. Just for fun. This can help you practice that makeup trick you learnt on Instagram or that hairstyle on YouTube.

10. Read a book…..or books

11. Go for a camp. This is the period when organizations organize camps for various age groups. As you go, make new friends.

12. Visit the beach. Take pictures of you running from the approaching waves.

13. Enter into a contest, whether it is a poetry slam, writing contest or singing competition.

14. Attend a summit. It can be an entrepreneurship summit or a relationship/marriage summit or a religious one.

15. Write a short story…or a poem. You can sign up for Wattpad and share your stories there.

16. Volunteer.

17. Open a Pinterest account. This helps you to pin your goals and dreams. Pin them, baby. Pin them.

18. Start a YouTube channel

19. Photo shoot….because whatever. You do not need to be a model before you enjoy photoshoots.
 Gather some friends and use your phone to take some fancy pictures.

20. Pamper yourself….have a spa at home day. Relieve yourself of stress. Show some self-care.

21. Attend festivals. Hello to you Chale Wote.

22. Bake. Baking is good.

23. Try new recipes. Improve upon your cooking skills.

24. Attend a reunion. Be it family reunion, high school reunion etc.

25. Invite me to all.

Have a happy long vacation holidays.

Image Map

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