
Monday, 7 September 2015

School Survival Guide

Hey there!

What's up?

This post I'm writing today is from experience, How To Survive School. I am not a professional at this, I am still learning and still not a complete survivor but I know some of the tips I'll share here would help you in one way or the other.

I hope.

So, let's get started.

Workout in the morning

I am not a complete health nut, but I do know how to stay fit. Working out in the morning is a great idea to start the day. It keeps you active during the day and makes you get more time for other matters of the day.

Have a daily planner

With school, social life and sometimes work crowding our brains, having a reminder of the things you need to do for a day or the week would keep you on track.

Less procrastination

Whenever you are given a project, or assignments, we should begin them as soon as we are given. I am a law breaker at this one, but we ate still learning.

Multi tasking
One of the things my mother taught me in this life is multi tasking. For instance, while cooking a meal that requires time, you can tidy up your room, or fold your clothes while listening to a recorded lecture etc

Do not go out every night
Some students have the habit of chilling every night. This is wrong. You did not come to school to chill out every second. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy but there is more sleep after death. You can take time to have fun, but limit it.

Have your class schedule on your phone

It's annoying when you do not know where you have a particular class. Having your class schedule on your phone is a life saver since you always carry your phone wherever you go.

Join a club

Joining a club helps you grow your social circle and also helps you in networking. No clubs in your school? Start one with proper authorization and permission.

Pack your dirty laundry the night before
If you know, you'll be doing some washing the next day, gather your laundry and washing essentials, the night before. You can even soak your dirty white clothes in clean soapy water. Wake up early and do your washing.

Get to know your library.

The library is the only quiet place you can go and hide. I began to use the library when I was in my second year. In my first year, I did not see the essence of the library since modern ICT books are not available. But I get to use the internet and hide from people for a while, especially in the early weeks of a new semester. During examination, I do not use the place since students would crowd in the library.

Water is really important in our lives. It helps in smooth circulation of blood and makes you feel refreshed and healthy and active.

Put off your data connection.

Our phones are a major distraction. To have some quiet time or study time, completely put off your data connection.

Take breaks
Breaks are necessary aspect when it comes to the life of a student. After studying for an hour or more, go take a walk, have some me time, clean something. Study breaks are essential and they leave us feeling refreshed.

And last but not the least.

Surround yourself with positive people
If you know you are in an unhealthy friendship or relationship with people who always discourage you, leave at once. Surround yourself with positive people who would keep on inspiring and motivating you.

As I said before, these things I wrote is from experience. I am still in school and still learning lessons. What might work for me might not work for you, but for the purpose of inspiring people with my lifestyle as a young single adult and a student, I wrote these to enrich your life for the better.

Anything else you want to teach me about surviving school?

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