
Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Personal Blogging Vrs. Professional Blogging

I don't know how to call the other one. Whether it is professional blogging or paid blogging or whatever, that one needs more work than the other one.

Some weeks ago, I got hired as a contributing writer of E!Online Ghana. Hint: I am one step closer to living my dream of working in a magazine company. Oh boy! That one needs much more work.

I do personal blogging. It is so much fun, it's my favourite hobby. I can wink, scream, laugh, cry on my personal blog, but I can't do that on the other one.

I am not talking about getting paid to write on our own blog. I am not talking about being an ambassador on your own blog or sponsored posts. Those ones are different.

I compared my life on my own personal blog and my life on the Entertainment blog and this is what I realized.

Photo Editing
Personal Blog: I can edit my photos anyhow I want. Whether it should be super bright or blurry or in a collage or whatever, it is my blog and my photos. It can be done anyhow, but in a good way.

Professional Blog: The photos should be on point, super clear, so that everyone can study it. It should be relevant and be professionally photographed.

Requires More Time and Commitment
Personal Blog: I can blog anytime I want, whether it is everyday, or once a week. I can go on breaks, maybe a month break. When writers block hits me, I can decide not to cry (Even though I do cry)

Professional Blog: When writers block comes, I'm in hot soup. At this point, I can decide to cry and ask for help. The blog has to be updated every second, every minute, every hour, every day. If the blog does not get updated, people lose interest and leave.

Careful Spelling with dictionary by my side
Personal Blog: Of course, there should be careful spelling in both of them. But personal blogs do not actually have to worry about this. (Read: You should!). A nice reader sees a typographical error, sends you a tactful email, you thank him /her, then  you make changes.

Professional Blog: Your boss sees a typographical error, he gives you a warning. Second time, a harsh warning. Third time, you are fired and the whole world crowns you an illiterate. Sadly.

Personal Blog: You proofread once, twice, three times, you hit publish, because your category of readers understand what you are trying to say.

Professional Blog: You proofread more than 10 times, give it to your friends and family to read again before you publish.

Sound Professional
Personal Blog: I can sound informal here. People get comfortable reading your posts and can relate to it. I can rant and rant and rant. No one gets annoyed.

Professional Blog: Have you ever read the Time Magazines? That's how you must sound. Very professional. If I rant and cry here, people would not understand you. They'll get bored and leave.

More Research
Personal Blog: What happens around me is enough research, unless I want to relate to something.

Professional Blog: Make sure that the information in putting out there is accurate and correct, or else, you are doomed.

So, personal blogging and professional blogging, which one do I prefer?
I like both. Personal blogging helps me to write my heart out and play with words and share life's happy things. Professional blogging helps me to meet more people, interact with people and sound like a business woman! I am one step closer to working in a magazine company.

The End!

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