
Saturday, 21 March 2015

My Name Is Marietta and I'm An Upcoming Poet

I never dreamt of becoming a poet, not in a million years. When I was a kid, I loved to write stories and loved to READ poems but not write poems. They were never good enough, and still aren't.

Writing poetry wasn't my thing. Prose writing, was my style, my breath, my fashion.

The first time I wrote serious poetry was when I was in my first year in secondary school. I was really homesick, like REALLY homesick, to the extent that I began to get skin rashes. So I wrote my ever first serious poem "HOMEGOING" , which now sucks. I read it now and ask myself 'Did I really write that? Was I serious at all?' That wasn't poetry. That was lame writing.

Anyway it wasn't my fault that it was lame. Poetry wasn't my thing. I sucked, at poetry writing. But as the years went by, I decided to try it. Maybe it wasn't bad at all. Maybe it was fun. Maybe it was my thing.
I wrote really bad poetry and other times, I wrote REALLY GOOD poetry, I was so proud of myself. I decided to buy little journals for poems written by other poets and me- I couldn't believe I could call myself a poet. If the Board of Poetry Directors were to inspect my poems, I would be disqualified to be called a poet, which would be sad.

Anyway that wouldn't be the end of my life in poetry. I mean I could sue them for disqualifying me. So far as I wrote in short lines and verses, it was a poem, whether it rhymed or not, whether it made sense or not.
My inspiration? LIFE. Since the birth of my second born,  Poetry, her inspiration has been LIFE itself, just like her big brother Prose, (my first born ) I wonder what I would give birth to next. Maybe songwriting or art or dancing or even acting.

It's been a beautiful life with poetry. She's been long, short, rhyming and free. She sometimes try to be haiku and even erotic but the erotic method doesn't work. Sorry poetry but you are not old enough.

So, poetry and Marietta are getting along well - at least. They are getting better. Trust me they used to be worse. But I dream of publishing an anthology of poems or have a poem of mine to be part of an anthology, so pray for me, support me, encourage me, motivate me, inspire me , have my back and I will do it for you. Just for you.

So watch out world; My name is Marietta and I'm an upcoming poet.

Stay Sweet !!!!


  1. Your writeups are always so entertaining! Good job on that, and never stop expanding :)

    xx Cara

    1. Thanks Cara. And thank you for the encouragement


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