
Friday, 27 March 2015

Kelewele Date with Marietta (27/03/15) March With Women

Well hello there!

Hi everyone!

It's the last Friday of the month  (Like seriously??) Like duh. Next week Friday is the beginning of Easter.


Let's start our date. Grab your kelewele.

Before March began, my roommate and I went to the beach to throw away our sorrows into the sea, literally. If we could really throw our sorrows into the sea, don't you think it would bring it back? One day, last year, after writing a tedious paper, two of my friends and I went to the beach, and while admiring little crabs making holes, hiding from us as soon as we approach them, the waves came to where I stood and kidnapped one of my slippers without warning. OMG! It was horrifying. How would I walk back to my room? But it brought it back, delivering it at another part of the beach. Yeah, right, sea. I guess you don't like the taste of my slippers. So, I think if you throw your sorrows into the sea, it would bring them back. (Whisper: I think you should bury them. Don't you think so?)

This month has been full of bitter things in my mouth. I was under herbal medication to kill all the malaria parasites I was diagnosed of last year December. I don't think you want to know the number of mosquito parasites eating my red blood cells. It's unbelievable. You can ask my roommate.

The month of March is mostly about women. 8th March was International Women 's day and I honoured Monique Coleman on my instagram page. I believe in her. To me, she's inspiring and a MO'tivator . She was Taylor McKessie in High School Musical 1-3, remember? She is the founder of the GimmeMo Foundation, which talks about the youth.

Who is ready for Easter? I am! I'm seriously counting down to Easter, which is less than a week away to get ready. How many days more?

After I wrote my journey in poetry post last Saturday, I decided to see whether I can write poems that rhymes. "But I'm not good at rhyming," I said to myself. "You should try it" I felt within me. So I began and after writing, felt it was not making sense. Please judge for me.

The sinner pulled the trigger
Then it laid down a figure
The bitter bile does not linger
But he's now a killer

Could you be my bad guy
So that my eyes would be fixed to the sky
Though I'm shy, I'll feel high
Then the spy within would cry
And you don't need to ask why

NB. Please don't laugh.
 We are celebrating our department week, and we are having mad fun.

That's it for today's kelewele date .
Let's continue on social media

Stay sweet!!!


  1. So sorry that you have malaria! I'll be praying for you to recover quickly!

  2. Thank you so much Ashley. I really need your prayers


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