
Monday, 24 December 2018

Goodbye Maiden Blog

Hello world!

It’s been a minute since you last heard from me, but before I begin, let me wish you a Merry Christmas Eve.

2018 has been a year that really knocked me out in the face. It didn’t make me lose weight dramatically but it really drain every happy state of emotion out of me. I am still not ready to talk about it, but when I do, I will let you know.

The title of this post might be confusing but, here is the tea….

I am launching my new blog tomorrow.

For those of you who have been following me on my social media platforms, you must have noticed some coming soon posters around.

I am going to miss this blog so much. It has taught me to be my own boss, and taught me certain things that made me get paid writing gigs. I am so much grateful for the opportunities it has given me and the lessons it has taught me.

It was a small blog, but it was mighty.

Thank you my maiden blog. You will forever be in my heart.

And thank you too, my lovely readers, whom I call friends.

Peace out!

p.s. Click here to visit the new site, which will be launched tomorrow at 00:00 GMT. Bookmark it and visit it frequently. We have a lot in stock for you.

I love you all!

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You want to comment? You are definitely my sunshine.
Love ya :) I would reply as soon as possible.