
Monday, 20 March 2017

A Letter To Poetry

Dear Poetry,

Thank you for being a woman. Thank you for holding me in your bosom. Thank you for your words to write of things that my mouth could not say.

When I am sad, you provide your laps for me to place my head on and you gently run your hand through my rigid discoloured hair.😢 When I am overexcited, you tell me to calm down and give me a pen, to write my feelings through you.😆

When I am angry or upset,😦 you leave me alone, and do nothing about it. That’s when I get disappointed because no words of red frustration comes by. I draw deep zigzag lines and destroy the paper with the tip of the pen. Why, oh why? Can you please tell me why?

Maybe, I’m not supposed to write anything. Maybe, I’ll destroy your works of being the best outspoken person you are.

Thank you for being dynamic. Thank you for transforming me into a better reflective writer. I didn’t like you first but I’m glad I love you now.

Your student,


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