
Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Story of a Half Painted Wall

The wall always knew that even though he is not fully painted and it has been left there for years now, he would be a freshly painted wall and people would admire the beautiful colour he displays. He would be smooth and made fine. People would stand in front of him to take pictures.

He is a half painted wall, and a half painted wall’s unfinished beauty is not appreciated. The rain comes down and washes away the little beauty he has. He always cries for the touch of a brush, for a painter to take him as a canvas and turn him into art. He yearns for the romantic stroke of a painter’s roller, to turn him into beauty and a dream.

He wants to feel the wetness of an emulsion paint, to attract sunshine and feel like home. He prays for a painter to take him as he is now, and turn him into something the painter would be proud of. He wishes for a person to lean against him, so that he can feel what the person is thinking.

This is the story of a half painted wall.

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