
Monday, 27 June 2016

For Uriah

Uriah Asante!
The Dark One did not think twice
He grabbed you
Without considering our tears
And heartbreak
Now you are gone
Gone far
And we can’t do anything about it

Uriah Asante’s death came as a shock to us all. Daddy and my brother were the ones who received the shock the most when we were at home Monday evening. Daddy described him as an energetic and cool guy with full of life. He used to see him playing football on a Sakora park in the neighbourhood.

My brother was thunderstruck. He just could not accept the news. My brother said he gave thoughtful contributions at the Sunday School, whenever my brother was teaching and was the only one who seemed interested.

I was not close to him. I just saw him as a guy always smiling, always active. I seldom spoke with him.

And now, he is gone.

Just like that.

His death has gotten this song Bridge Over Troubled Water, playing in my head and constantly on my phone. It’s sad to hear an active and friendly person leave just without warning.

He left, without saying goodbye.

When we heard the dreadful news
All we could say was how
All we could ask was why
The Dark One had visited
But we didn’t see him
The grey clouds gathered
The Sun escaped from the scene
His eyes would be closed
All we can do is watch
Watch still
And hope to see him again

Rest In Peace, Uriah.

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