
Friday, 27 May 2016

Kelewele Date with Marietta (27/05/16): Long Vac Talk

Hello there!

The long vac has official started. Some people call it summer break, but I don’t see the reason why you should call it that in this country, because there will be more rain than sun.

Hmmmm. Ghana is changing and blindly copying. We call in the long vacation, not summer break. We have only two seasons in Ghana (the African winter, which is the dry season or Harmattan; comes around the Christmas holidays and the Rainy season/ wet season)

All right. It doesn’t matter, you can call it whatever you want.

Today is #keleweledate. Let’s chat.

If we were having a real kelewele date, what would you tell me?

For me, I will talk about how excited I am for the Summer Break long vacation. I want to make it a memorable one. I want to go out more, blog more (both here and EOnline Ghana), write more, journal more and read more. Maybe, this time is the best time to wake up my YouTube Channel. It was created like two years ago, but there is nothing in there.

This long vac, I will try and attend the Chale WoteFestival. Yes! I am still making plans towards it. It is an Arts and Music Festival held every year in Accra.

This long vac, I want to visit my childhood by watching my favourite childhood movies. I don’t know why, but I just want to feel nostalgic.

And also, read about my #BloGHAwards16 here

I am getting active in my writing passion again. It’s been long since I wrote a story which fiils a whole notebook. I now write more poetry, more short stories, flash fiction and letters. Writing letters is another way of writing I have developed. It is like a conversation, but it is a one way communication.

What would you tell me if we were on a real kelewele date?
Hey, who's ready for Rio2016??? Olmpics!

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