
Monday, 9 November 2015

Monday Morning In My Pajamas

I declare that Monday mornings would be called Monday Moaning! Oh, what difference does it make? They sound the same.
I am feeling so lazy today. I was suppose to wake up earlier, drink water, have my quiet time, put on my workout gear and go out there for a run, but I'm still on bed, typing this.
This is the story of my life right now.
And the annoying thing is, I am taking selfie in bed.
Girl? What's wrong with you?
Technology can really make us go crazy. That's the weird aspect of technology.
I don't even know the time my roommate left.
So, madam, please get up, get dressed, chase catch your dreams and never give up!
Get up, you have a lot to do.
24 hours of today comes only once
And it is almost gone. Though, it is almost 8am and the day is still young, it's almost gone, because 8 hours is finished.
Let's do this.
Happy New Week!
When are you starting your end of semester examination? (Finals)

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You want to comment? You are definitely my sunshine.
Love ya :) I would reply as soon as possible.