
Monday, 6 July 2015

My Life As A Writer

I started the habit of writing when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I started by writing how I spent the day with my dad. I used to go out a lot with my dad when I was a kid.

I write for the fun of it and I hope of making it Big anytime soon. Currently, I write novels (unpublished), poems, short stories, fan fiction, flash fiction, blog posts etc. When I was a teenager, I was writing for the Teen Ink website. It was amazing being on this site where creativity of writing, art, music and drama were shared.

I wouldn't say that I don't suffer from writer's block at times. When I get that annoying situation, I listen to music or read magazines or sometimes go for a walk. That's the only way I get cured from such a disease.
I don't just get up and say I'm writing a story or poetry. It comes in step by step, minute by minute, or day after day.

My strength as a writer is the ability to get ideas. Weakness? Putting them on paper exactly as I have imagined or how I want it to be.

Writing is something I enjoy doing as a hobby and I'm ever ready to help people in their writing life, though I am trying so hard to be at least good in it.

When I was a kid, I used to write diary entries, fan fiction and collaborative writing with my brothers. For fan fiction, I wrote about Michael Jackson and I, Jackie Chan and I. I featured in Peter Pan, Mickey Mouse and the Adventures of Tintin.

I started poetry and short stories when I entered secondary school. And I was surrounded by people who wrote stories also, so that motivated me, even though some students told me I was wasting my time because I was a Science student. I got discouraged for some time, but I jumped into the writing circle again, covering my ears.

I love surrounding myself with creative people, motivators and those who loved literary works.
My inspiration in writing.......LIFE. Life itself inspires me. Life is one big something, so I get loads of stuff from it. I just thank God for giving me such a talent and I hope in making it a beautiful talent to acquire, cherish and appreciate.

I have written unpublished fiction novels for about 3 people, with each of them as a protagonist in their own book. After writing it, I gave it to them, but believe me, I've forgotten what they were about.

I hope to publish or make my works movies. It is one of my dreams to be a best selling author, an excellent film maker, a music video director and get poetry in motion.

I used to write under a pseudonym, MarieNoƫl and Pink Butterfly. But I don't do that anymore.

Last year, I was lucky to feature on the Ghana Writers Project on Citi FM radio and I wish to do it again.
Writing is my bag and I'll be a world famous author.

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