
Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Surviving Exams

As soon as we hear end-of-semester exams, it means counting down to Christmas!!! That’s the fun part of it. But before most of us can go home to celebrate and have some fun, we need to pass through the tertiary rites of passage; Writing Exams.

Yes, I know, I’m sad too. We can’t avoid it. Some of us would even celebrate the holidays before writing the exams (Sorry to you)

All right, Examination is coming but how do we survive it? And I want to share with you how I try to survive examination week.

Have a schedule (Timetable)

As soon as your examination time table come out, make a personal schedule for your studies and other stuffs that you need to do during the examination period.

Buy all necessary stationery …………… and chewing gum

Yes, it’s important to buy all the stationery needed for examination but chewing gum? Seriously? Like yeah, but I believe chewing gum and sometimes mint, helps in retention (is it only me?) But maybe, you might need it for an all-nighter (Emergency! Emergency!!) Or something *wink*

Don’t forget to be healthy.

Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. Yeah, I said you need gum for an all-nighter, but you DO need enough sleep during your exams period. Also, you can also add workout(exercise) to your schedule to keep your mind sharp.

Have a study playlist

I love to study with music. It helps me to study well and makes it more interesting and doesn’t make me dread learning especially with my mathematics. I know studying is students + dying, but with music, it is not.

Solve all past questions, read all the slides, notes, pamphlets, listen to your lecture podcasts so that you don’t miss out anything.

Know the type of learner you are

Everyone has a different learning style. If you are an auditory learner, having a study group or study buddy can help you study well. If you are a visual learner like me, you can highlight your points, which makes studying better and fun.

Don’t forget to have study breaks. Yeah, it’s examination time but it doesn’t mean don’t have breaks. Go to the beach (Lucky me!), have some me time, work a puzzle or brain teaser, take a walk (my thing), just to make the brain relax and to de-stress.

It’s okay to look wretched

Mostly during exams time, that’s when people ‘rock the wretched look’, having messy hair, lazy fashion etc. that’s ok. It’s part of exams life.

Don’t forget to treat yourself

Get a drink, an ice cream or kelewele. Don’t forget to get your nose out of your books and live a little.

                                      Anyway, have a Merry End of Semester Examination!!!!